Apply for account

Please complete the below application form. Please be as accurate as possible.

We will verify the details you have provided in your application before contacting you. If we receive inaccurate or false information, your application will not receive a response.

The next stage is a phone call from our team to discuss your business strategy in relation to our products.

Once complete, we will notify you on the outcome of your application.

Company Details

Owner Details

Accounts Payable Contact

Buyer Contact

Billing Address


Login Info


Confirm Password

By checking this box, you agree to a credit history check. Credit approval criteria applies and this application does not constitute an offer of credit. Should your credit application be successful, you will be issued with a credit limit and your account balance will be due 30 days from invoice date. Needleart World (North America) LLC reserves the right to request a signed credit card authorization on file before issuing credit. Further terms and conditions relating to credit may apply.
